2024 Survey of Expert Witness Liability Insurance

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SEAK’s 2024 Survey of Expert Witness Liability Insurance is available for immediate download as an E-Book. Order today. 

The 2024 Survey of Expert Witness Liability Insurance includes data from almost 1,000 experts in diverse areas of expertise. This 43 page E-Book gives you the hard information to help answer these critical questions: 

  • How often are expert witnesses sued for malpractice? 
  • How likely is a suit against an expert witness to be successful?
  • Why are expert witnesses sued?
  • Should I obtain insurance? 
  • How common is it for experts to go bare?
  • Where and how are experts obtaining liability insurance?
  • How much does expert witness liability insurance cost?
  • How high are the liability limits expert witnesses typically carry?
  • Is “occurrence” coverage available for expert witness liability coverage or are all policies “claims made” requiring a tail?
  • Which carriers are recommended?
  • Which carriers are not recommended?
  • Do I need to go through a broker/agent to obtain insurance or can I go directly to the insurance company?
  • What else should I be doing to manage liability risk?

Includes SEAK’s analysis and recommendations on risk management and obtaining insurance.



“I received my copy of the liability survey that SEAK performed. Very valuable information, great job.”

“This is a PHENOMENAL study. Thank you.”